
Economic and Sectoral Research

From in-depth economic impact studies to easy to access dynamic reports, Prism offers a broad scope of cost-benefit, socio-economic, econometric, economic impact, and industry analysis. By maintaining a comprehensive database of economic indicators and parameters Prism is able to provide our clients with timely, customized research and outlooks for their specific industry or market to facilitate strategic planning.

Prism has conducted many economic studies which analyse the competitiveness of specific industries and broader sectors. These studies examined the structure of firms and markets, their technological and innovative capability, international and inter-provincial trade, human resource and skills capabilities, and provided forecasts for key parameters, in order to assess overall competitiveness. These studies have been the basis for strategic human resource planning, technology road-maps and strategic initiatives by industry, trade unions, and sector organizations.

Prism also has extensive experience in designing custom surveys and in conducting focus group research according to clients’ needs and research questions. Prism’s skilled consultants ensure the soundness of information/data collection methods and they capture the most important information that emerges from the research.


Low-End of Market Rent Housing

City of Toronto

Prism prepared this study for the City of Toronto to profile the low-end market rent housing in the city of Toronto (i.e. units available at below average market rents) and to identify the challenges/barriers to accessing this portion of the rental housing stock. 

Some of the findings from the research presented at the Tenant Issues Committee in February 2018 can be found here.



The Underground Economy
in Ontario’s Construction Industry

Ontario Construction Secretariat

Prism has completed a series of studies on the underground economy in construction for the Ontario Construction Secretariat. Building on original research by Prism, these studies estimate the size of the underground economy and the revenue losses to the Government and the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. These reports examine increasing trends in the underground construction economy and identifies the motivations behind these trends. (1998, 2001, 2007/08, 2010, 2019)



Defining the Affordability of Housing in Canada

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Prism conducted an assessment of housing affordability in Canada’s 10 largest Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) on behalf of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. This study was undertaken to provide insights into measures of housing affordability that are employed in Canada and in other jurisdictions. Furthermore, the analysis compares housing affordability challenges in each CMA using two distinct approaches.

The full report can be found here.



Bruce County Tourism Economic Impact Framework

Bruce County

Prism Economics and Analysis and Ipsos established a Bayesian framework for regional tourism impact assessment using baseline economic impact data, key performance indicators (KPIs), an Ipsos-led visitor survey and a client-led set of survey tools that demonstrate the contribution of tourism to Bruce County and provide trackable measures that will allow ongoing monitoring of performance of the area’s tourism industry.  This framework allows the client to re-sample and re-estimate tourism impacts each year themselves using a self-administered database and data collection system.